Friday, November 2, 2007

Too Much to Do

The last couple of weeks have been a very busy time for the Cherri house. Shawn and I have both been taking an EMT-Basic course for the last 10 weeks. It is drawing to its conclusion this week with our ultra-intensive finals on Saturday and Sunday. We have really enjoyed the class and I feel like I've learned a lot, but it has been very tiring. We've had classes 12 hours every week, on top of our other usual responsibilites. Shawn hasn't really had a day off in weeks!

A few days ago, I was contacted by the college on base to see if I could do some temporary work there. The woman who is the representative now has to take leave to go to the Phillipines--she and her husband are adopting a baby! She will have to be absent from work through December, but she has to leave almost immediately. This means that they needed somebody right away. I was able to negotiate a pretty flexible schedule with them, so after much consideration, I decided to take the job. Fortunately, I can work just 4 hours every afternoon (5 days a week) while the kids are napping and help them out, as well as make money and have an intellectual/social outlet. Then, once she comes back in January, I'll be back at home full time. I think I start Monday--the day after my EMT class is officially done! Whew!

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