Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese Outing

Quinn gets a ride from Uncle Henry.

Claire and her abuelita.

Elle getting hopped up on soda or some other sugary beverage. My kids did likewise.

Quinn and Shawn at Chuck E. Cheese's.
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Chuck E. Cheese Outing

Last weekend, I went down to visit my family. The grandparents decided they wanted to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's in Springfield. All I can say is one word: chaos. It was total sensory overload. It was packed!

Walking into the place was traumatic. Somebody had puked all over the lobby and the outside area. It seemed completely impossible to me that all that puke could have come from one person! It was crazy! Whatever the case, it was really gross and there was a line out the door to get in. So, that left my little family standing basically in somebody else's puke. Not appetizing and not a good start to the outing.

However, once we got inside, things got better. We had lots of pizza and ended up winning lots of tickets. The kids really enjoyed it, but of course it ended with a group meltdown from all the kids (Kai, Quinn, Claire, Elle and Luke). Fun. Good times.

Quinn wasn't satisfied with just one piece of pizza at a time.

Grandpa makes the rounds with Kai.

Claire, my mom and Celeste.

Luke playing a driving game with his daddy.
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We Miss Football

That's right. Football season is over. And in our house, that is a very sad thing. So one evening recently, we decided to take the kids to the H'ville football field to run around with the football. We thought the kids might want to get out. We had fun for about ten minutes, then the kids all three had a total meltdown at one time. It was comical, yet not comical.

Kai outside the stadium.


Claire bundled up for the occasion.

Shawn showing the kids how to kick the football.
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