Friday, November 23, 2007
Interior Decorating
Yeah, Cel--eat this! I'm going for duct tape chic.
This is what you have to do when your kids won't stop tipping the lamp over the second you're not looking. Unfortunately, it was broken to begin with. The kids have just furthered the poor thing's misery.
Augusta's Injury of the Week

My bruised and swollen foot.
My foot in the bandage/wrap/sock thing.
The other day I was at work and they were doing construction in the area around our office. Part of the brick sidewalk had caved in about 6 inches or so, leaving a little depression there. I was walking along and was distracted by one of the stray cats that runs around that area. Of course I stepped directly into the hole and my foot slid out of my heeled sandal, twising my ankle. The side of my foot hit the bricks in the bottom of the hole with pretty much most of my weight on it. I felt a popping sensation and then it started to hurt.
However, the pain wasn't so bad that I couldn't still walk on it just fine. I could still move everything and I just assumed that I had bumped it pretty bad. Immediately, a bruise popped up and a dull ache started.
When Shawn met me after work later that evening, I said to him somewhat jokingly, "I think there is a small chance that I broke my foot today." He of course rolled his eyes because he knows of my tendency to be a wee bit dramatic at times, especially when it involves an injury/pain.
Later that evening, my foot was still okay. I could walk on it, but it had started to hurt a little bit more. I decided it would be a good idea just to have it x-rayed. We went to a nearby hospital, but they said they could not x-ray it because I was pregnant. We went back home and I figured it would probably feel better in the morning.
Around 5:30 AM Wednesday morning, my foot was hurting enough that I woke up and could not fall back asleep. Later in the morning, I told Shawn it was still bothering me, so he when he went on base to get some groceries, he tried to make an appointment for me at the Navy medical facility. There was a doctor there that we knew from our EMT clinicals. He said that I could have an x-ray while pregnant, but that their x-ray machine was down.
Shawn came and took me back to the hospital from before and the doctor called radiology. They put three lead aprons on me and then took a couple of x-rays. An orthopedic surgeon guy came and looked at the x-rays and told me that I had a small fracture on my fifth metatarsal.
Yes, I broke my foot! I couldn't believe it! Shawn said, "You been walking long?"
So now I have my foot in this soft, supported brace thing for 3-6 weeks! GREAAAAAAAT.
To add insult to injury, because I was technically at work when this happened, I have to fill out paperwork for an accident report with both the Navy College and Central Texas College.
Could it be? My son is THREE! Part Two
Could it be? My son is THREE!
Kai, on the other hand, is getting so big! I can't believe that that little baby boy from three years ago is now talking in complete sentences! He's such an amazing blessing--funny, head-strong, active, smart and adorable. I may be a little bit biased, but I'm so thankful for this little boy and what his presence has done in my life.
For his third birthday, we ate cake and opened a few presents from the grandparents.
Kai opens his presents while Quinn watches on.
Kai opening presents while Quinn watches on.
Kai opening a fishing rod from Uncle Joe.
Shawn and Kai figure out the fishing pole together.
Happy 232nd, USMC!
This year we went to the annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball. It was better than last year, I must say. We have a new American ambassador who gave a very nice speech. Last year, several of Shawn's co-workers who went to the Ball as well. Those two couples have since moved back to the States, so we were on our own this year.
We ended up sharing a table with some very high-ranking Marines and Navy personnel. It made for an interesting dinner environment. There is something very fascinating about watching career military men talking with each other in a setting like this....especially as the night wears on when there is an open bar.
Speaking of an open bar--here is a message to send out to all people of all genders, races, ages and creeds (as well as each branch of the military): if you lose every shred of your dignity when you drink--do NOT drink (or at least only to the point that you still have a little bit of dignity left)! People got really crazy this year, crazier than I remember them being last year. And it was surprisingly mostly older people who were getting so freaky on the dance floor, not so much the young Marines. I think maybe they can still handle their liquor or something.
We ended up dancing for many hours and it was a blast. Afterwards we went to our hotel and had a kid-free night of sleep. We even slept in--sort of, if you consider 10 AM sleeping in.
Here's Shawn looking dapper at the Ball.
Here's me looking....gorgeous, as usual. Humble, too.
Monday, November 12, 2007
A Few of our Earthside Babies
Quinn in her stroller.
Quinn, the bathing beauty.
Kai in his soccer jersey.
We're working on our very own soccer team!
Yes, It's True
Very faint lines from the first batch of tests, but you can see them. It's true....I'm pregnant AGAIN with a third little Cherri!
Here's the test I took today, so it's a little darker.
Monday, November 5, 2007
At the Beach 4
Kai gives Quinn a kiss.
Sunset at the beach. You can see the Grand Mosque's minarets in the background.
This beach is near our house and a very popular spot for families looking for a Friday afternoon activity.
At the Beach 3
Kai checks out a crab Shawn found.
Kai wants to go for a ride.
Shawn and Kai on the beach at sunset.
Me with the kids at the beach.
At the Beach 2
It looks like they are walking on water.
Quinn waving hello.
Me trying not to fall while carrying Quinn.
Kai checking out another beached boat.
At the Beach
A boat that is stuck on the shore.
I thought this one was cute because they are in a very similar position. You can see our hoopty, White Car June to the left in the corner of the picture.
I'm not sure what these are, but there are these little tiny balls all over the beach around the holes you see in the picture. It looks like some creature has made a bunch of little balls and rolled them out of their holes.
Kai running on the beach.
Our Ohio State Babies
Wee Burritos After a Bath
Kai and Quinn as little burritos after a bath.
Kai does not find it as amusing as mommy and daddy do.