Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Short-Lived Career as a Yoga Model

I'm putting this story on here mainly to amuse my sister; it's definitely the kind of thing she would laugh at. So, for those of you who don't know, I've been attending yoga classes twice a week the last two months at a nearby yoga studio. Well, at the end of my yoga class on Friday, the instructor told us he would have a photographer come in to take a few pictures of us doing some yoga postures to put in the new brochure they're working on right now.

I was in the front row, so I was right behind the instructor and he asked us to do this one pose (the triangle pose, for you yoga-enthusiasts) while the photographer took a picture. I leaned over and was trying to look professional; not smiling too big or looking depressed or weird. So the guy takes a couple of pictures, then he calls the yoga instructor over and they say something to each other in a language I don't understand. The photographer pointed at me, then the yoga instructor nodded. Then the photographer calls another woman up to stand directly in front of me and proceeds to take several pictures that way!

I totally got rejected! I keep telling myself it was because my clothes were dark and probably didn't translate well into pictures. The woman who replaced me was wearing brightly colored clothes. That's what I keep telling myself anyway....

Augusta "Yogi" Cherri


Celeste said...

HAHA, that is way too funny! Too bad you couldn't understand them without you knowing. Maybe you were too sexy and they needed someone more normal looking to use. Maybe he said something like this:

"This is not Carmen Electra's yoga class, move her twin out of the way!"

Anonymous said...

You know, now that you mention it....I think I DID hear them utter the words "Carmen Electra" in there somewhere!