Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Garden--October

Here was what our garden looked like in July, back when we were only semi-neglecting it. Since then we let it grow over pretty much entirely and have only watered or weeded it once since Claire was born. Even then, we only did a mediocre job of weeding it. Yet, we can't seem to kill this thing. We still have beans growing like mad, some peppers, carrots and our tomatoes have been rejuvenated since we trimmed off the dead parts and weeded around them about a month ago.

This is what our sad excuse for a garden looked like this evening. Totally overgrown and full of weeds....yet we picked a few pounds of beans and lots of carrots today, along with a few tomatoes. We're starting to really seriously wonder about this soil. It just seems unnatural that things would be growing like this, in spite of the horrible garden tenders we have been. I mean, it's October for crying out loud!

Shawn pulling up carrots.

Shawn inspecting the pepper plants while the kids traipse around the beans.
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