Thursday, December 6, 2007

Things I Miss About America

-Taco Bell
-Fall and winter
-Full-sized washers and dryers
-Houses that have plenty of outlets
-Reliable internet
-More social interaction/mental stimulation
-American TV
-Being able to drive and not see your life flashing before your eyes repeatedly
-Summers that don't involve crazy, humid, mind-bogglingly scorching heat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Things I Miss About Gus"
1. Your funny expressions.
2. Dad and I bantering and competing to see whose side you will take.
3. Your affection and charm.
4. Kai, Quinn and Shawn
5. Listening to baby's heartbeat
6. Eating hot fudge and talking.
7. Watching you grow in character and love.
8. Many other things...