Saturday, August 25, 2007

Musical Apartments

We're moving...again.

Hopefully by September 1st, we will be all settled in to our new place.....half a block away--literally.

After many struggles with the management of our current building over them poorly maintaining our building/apartment, we decided that it's time to move on. Additionally, we're doing the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University and think it would be a good idea to downsize a little bit so we can save more money.

We scoured Juffair (and another nearby area) for apartments that met our criteria. The result:

We will move 1/2 a block away, which means we'll still be very close to Shawn's work. He can still ride his bicycle there and spend lunch hour with us.

We found a cute, but more modest 2 bedroom apartment (our current one is 4 bedrooms and we never use most of the space in our house).

We'll still have all the amenities we have here, including a pool, gym, cable, all utilities paid, furnishings, etc.

We will be saving 200 dinars in rent--534 dollars a month!

We're very excited about the move and it has been taking up our time lately through the apartment search and now packing. We have boxes everywhere!

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