Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Arabic lesson

Many people here use the phrase, "Insh'allah" sprinkled into their speech. It means, "God willing."

Unfortunately, many people use it in this context:

"Yes, your car should be ready tomorrow, insha'allah."

"I will come check your broken A/C. I should be able to do it later, insha'allah."

Now I will say, "Ebrahim said he was going to come fix the A/C today, insha'llah." Shawn says, "Oh....GREAT.....that means WHO KNOWS!!" I guess if you didn't know the actual translation, you might be inclined to believe that IS what it means!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad I didn't know to use that phrase during your childhood every time you bugged us for something! Hey, you could put it to good use with your children though! Actually, in the book of James he says to say "God willing" rather than boasting that we will do this or that at a certain we should do the same as the Muslims!