Thursday, November 6, 2008

Taking Inventory

November 4th was my 27th birthday.

It brought about a lot of introspection, but also some wonderful realizations about my life. In my 27 short years, I've done a lot of living. And fortunately, most of the living I have done, I have done well. I have few regrets and have made many friends. I have seen and experienced incredible things.

I have to admit that when I woke up on my birthday, I was bummed out, questioning what I have "accomplished" in my time here. I haven't made much money. I haven't had an impressive career in anything. I have failed at many, many things....including organic chemistry. I've failed at love. I've made mistakes. SO many mistakes.

But I've experienced joy. True joy that only God can give. I haven't made much money, but I have been rich beyond measure. God has shown me many miracles in my life--miracles within the world, within His plans, within other people and within myself. He has helped me through so many things in my life.

I graduated college debt-free (one major miracle!) thanks to the love and support of God, my family and having the opportunity to work throughout school. God has blessed me with three amazing little children to tend to. How amazing is it that God trusts me enough to take care of these babies? He has given me a husband who I love and respect in a way that I didn't think I'd ever be capable. God has worked in me to touch so many people's lives. That's what I think it all boils down to for me. I think I was never meant to be a star. I was never meant to be a bigshot. But God is using me (amazingly!) to love a little at a time. I feel so blessed to have the friends and family I have. I feel blessed that God can even use ME to bless others as well.

Here's to the next 27 years! Thank you, Lord, for the first 27.

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