Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall Nights

Our three jack-o'-lanterns. The one on left was one I carved with Kai's direction on what I should do. The middle one is mine and the one on the end is Shawn's.

For Halloween, we had dinner with some friends and their kids, then tagged along as they trick-or-treated through their neighborhood. Kai was Spiderman, Quinn was Lady from Lady and the Tramp and Claire was a chicken. Unfortunately, my battery on my camera was low and I did not get any pictures in all the hustle and bustle.

Claire was a little cranky during trick-or-treating; Quinn didn't really have a clue what was going on, but she still seemed to enjoy herself thoroughly. Kai, on the other hand, got the trick-or-treating thing down after the first house. He reminded me so much of my brother, Henry. When we were kids, Henry was super-serious and motivated about trick-or-treating. He thought seriously about trick-or-treating strategy in order to maximize candy acquisition. Kai strategized to rachet up his adorable-ness factor to get more candy. It worked. We took all three kids around a couple streets, then went home.

After we got home and put the girls to bed, Kai and I went to a few houses in our neighborhood. It brought back so many fun memories I have of Halloween from when I was growing up. It was probably my second favorite holiday throughout the years. We bought lots of candy, but surprisingly only had two trick-or-treaters the whole night. I don't know if it is because we live on a busy street or what, but I was disappointed. Too bad we now have soooo much candy is tough.

The following pictures are not from trick-or-treating, but from a few nights ago when we let the kids play in the leaf pile as it was getting dark.

Quinn in some super cute overalls.

Kai and Quinn enjoying the leaf pile.

Even Shawn gets in on the fun! The kids loved that! Fortunately, there are no pictures of when Mommy jumped in the pile.
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