Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back in the States

It's been a long time since I've posted! Somehow blogging has completely fallen by the wayside.

We made our trip home uneventfully (except a short delay in Chicago) and the kids were great! Thanks to everybody who prayed for a safe and pleasant journey for us. It really could probably not have gone any better.

So, now we're in central Missouri with Shawn's parents for the next two months (we think) as we make decisions about work, where to live, further education, etc. It has been an exciting time, though a bit stressful still.

A few days after we got back, Shawn and I took our EMT-Basic exams and passed them. I must say to the National Registry, though, that that test is the strangest test I've ever taken and I'm not sure why I passed it! It was so confusing and Shawn and I both felt it was no representation of what we actually know as EMTs! I guess it doesn't really matter at this point---we're just glad we both passed and are certified now.

Later in our first week, Shawn went to Oregon for a job interview and I will keep you posted on that possibility.

The first weekend we were back, my family came to visit here at the Cherri Orchard. It was a blast to see everybody, but a little overwhelming, too. I wasn't as up for company as I thought I would be after the jet lag and all the adjusments. My hope is that future visits will be a little more lively on my part. Thanks to all of you who made the trip!

This past week has been mostly Shawn and I sorting through our boxes here and trying to pare down our STUFF. How are Americans so good at accumulating STUFF? I also want to send a thanks to my mom who apparently kept all of my school assignments from 1st-4th grade! We have majorly consolidated everything and I'm looking forward to having it all organized. We're getting close!

So for now, we're just settling in! I wanted to let everybody know how things were going and I will post some pictures and more blog posts as events warrant. I hope you guys are all doing well, too. Thanks for all of your support, prayers and love.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

It was fun seeing you guys. Last night Elle was asking where "Grammy" was, and reminded me that Grammy is her best friend. So cute!

How's Grammy's "friend"? hahaha