Saturday, May 17, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

When we got our garden started, this is what it looked like after Shawn tilled it.

Here is the garden after we first planted strawberries, lettuce, cauliflower and broccoli.

Here is the garden today, after we transplanted our tomato and pepper plants. We also direct-seeded corn, peas, beans, carrots and sunflowers. In another bed, Shawn planted cucumbers, pumpkins and watermelons. The bushy plant in the foreground is a potato plant that was left over from the previous tenants that has been doing well, so we left it among our strawberries! It just sort of started growing in the middle of our garden.... You can see at the back end of the garden that the plants we planted about a month ago are really thriving. The strawberries still look puny, though.

These plants are the cauliflower, lettuce and broccoli that we planted about a month ago. They are thriving so far, especially since Shawn murdered (in cold blood!) the bunny bandit that was muching on our plants. Pretty soon, we should be able to have all the salads we want!
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