Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Break in the Clouds

It's been tough. The adjustment from Bahrain to Harrisonville, MO has been considerably harder than I thought it would be. There are many things I miss about Bahrain, mostly just the fact that we had a good routine there and everything was all settled. It's taken me a lot longer to adjust than I thought it would.

Not having Theresa (our faithful nanny) has been difficult. Managing the kids constantly by myself has been completely overwhelming for the most part. In addition, our beautiful new house (old house) is a lot bigger than the place I was used to keeping up in Bahrain (again, with Theresa's help).

I've felt like a failure a lot. Things don't get done. Dishes pile up. The laundry is neverending. I yell at the kids. They get cranky. I get cranky. It's been a frustrating cycle.

But I have peace that God brought us to this place. Yesterday He gave me new hope that He does have a plan for my life and for my family. It doesn't include me living in constant frustration and despair.

Thank you guys again for all the support and help you've offered to our family during this time of transition. It has meant so much to all of us. It has only been through God using you all to work in our lives that I have maintained any sanity at all. I am truly blessed!

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