Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stomach Flu Blues

Thursday evening and Friday morning, Kai had a touch of the stomach flu but seemed otherwise fine. Saturday when Shawn and I got back, Quinn looked a little bit peaked, but didn't have any fever or anything. Kai had recovered and was back to his boisterous self, minus his usual appetite. Around 9 or so, Quinn started throwing up and after it seemed to get worse, we were worried about dehydration.

Shawn took her into the ER near our house and they admitted little Quinn to the hospital. Above is a picture of her in her hospital bed. We ended up trading out in shifts. Once Quinn started getting IV fluids, she got much better. By midday, she was her usual, happy, rowdy self. That evening, we all finally went home.

Fast forward to Tuesday evening. I was sick. Wednesday Shawn and I stayed in bed pretty much all day.

Now, we're all on the mend and our household is getting back on track.
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1 comment:

Celeste said...

Gotta love the stomach bugs! Who needs slim fast when you can just get a stomach bug? haha.

Dude, Luke was about to play with an outlet, and I started to type "no Luke!". haha

Man, I keep laughing at myself!