Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Recent Activities

Claire has started smiling a lot. Sometimes it takes some coaxing, but she will give us big smiles. Right before this picture was taken, she was smiling broadly, but it ended up being just this little smirk by the time we could get the camera.

Kai waves goodbye as Shawn heads out to a call. The call was a tree stump that was full of bees that someone had set on fire. Somehow the tree stump ended up falling into the road?? Anyway, Shawn went to put out a bee-filled stump that was on fire.

Kai took this picture of me. Pretty good, huh? Too bad I have no makeup on and am wearing baggy track pants under my nightgown. Okay, so I didn't get fashion sense as one of my gifts.

Quinn's eye seemed irritated the other night and her bangs were so long they were getting in her eyes. I thought that perhaps her hair was irritating her eye, so I had Shawn cut her bangs short. It was very difficult to hold her down and cut the bangs, so this is the end result. It looks pretty bad. We feel pretty sorry for her. Turns out, it wasn't her hair irritating her eyes after all. She and Claire both have some sort of eye infection. Today we will be going to the doctor.
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1 comment:

Celeste said...

Give Kai a pair of scissors. Take a picture of Kai with scissors by Quinn. Tell everyone Kai cut Quinn's hair while you weren't looking.

I hope their eyes are doing better!!