July 27th, 2008
2:55 AM
Born at home with family present
10 pounds, 3 ounces
22 inches long
Around 10:30 AM on Saturday, July 26th, I started having regular contractions that were of a different quality than the warm-up labor I'd been experiencing on and off the previous week. By mid-afternoon, I was pretty sure this was IT.
During labor, I hung out with my family. We played games, went for walks, I sat in the birth tub and we spent time together as a family. I so enjoyed having everyone there supporting and loving me as I brought our third child into the world. Thanks so much to all of you!
After having pretty strong active labor contractions from about 7 PM onward, I was ready to push around 2:20 AM. After slowly starting to breathe Claire into the world, her shoulders became stuck and after a few tense minutes (that seemed like forever), she was born with some assistance from Daddy and Grandma Gabriel at 2:55 AM on July 27th in her grandparents' bathtub.
She was huge! 10 pounds and 3 ounces of beautiful, healthy baby girl. Since then she has been resting and nursing. Everyone has fallen in love.