Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Three Years

That's right. It's been three years since Shawn and I said, "We do." It has been a very exciting three years. Time is so strange, isn't it? Sometimes it seems like three years was a lifetime ago. Other times, it seems like we just met and the three years has flown by. Either way, it has most certainly been the best three years of my life. I am very grateful for the life that I have with Shawn and our babies. In honor of our three years, I've compiled some fun facts about the last three years of our life together:

3 Most Exciting Things We've Done
Well, I probably shouldn't post some of the MOST exciting things we've done, so I'll pick some PG things that are pretty exciting, too.
1. Had an outdoor wedding in January.
2. Lived overseas.
3. Had two homebirths.

3 Things I Like Most About Our Marriage
1. Shawn and I are total opposites in most ways, but somehow God really did make us complimentary to one another. He has strengths where I have weaknesses and vice versa. It has spurred incredible growth for both of us that might not have otherwise taken place.
2. We have fun together. I actually enjoy spending time with him, even after three years of being with him pretty much every day. I know it doesn't sound like something that is that impressive, but I think in today's society, it's pretty special.
3. We both desire spiritual growth and encourage each other in it as a matter of course. That is something that I think is the most vital part of any marriage.

3 Things I Like Most About Shawn
1. His heart.
2. He's a great daddy.
3. Life with him is always an adventure. That is something he promised me when we were engaged--that if I married him, my life would always been an adventure. He has not disappointed.

Yes, the last three years has been a wonderful adventure.

This year has been the hardest year of our marriage in lots of ways. By that I mean that our external circumstances have posed more challenges than previous years. However, it has also been the year that I think has been best for our marriage. Even though other things have been frustrating a lot this year, our marriage has been like the calm inside the storm, bringing peace and comfort when things around us have been crazy. I feel like God has really knit us together this year and worked through some of the hard stuff to help us appreciate each other. I look forward to what this next year will bring. I have so much hope for the next year of our life together. Thanks to everybody for supporting and encouraging our little family.

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