Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're All Gonna Die

Am I going crazy? Does it not seem like no matter what we do, wear, eat, drink, take--we're all dying at a rapid rate. It seems like every day I read an article saying some researcher has discovered how ordinary things in life are now incredibly bad for us and will kill us.

Dairy products contain so many synthetic hormones and antibiotics that they can cause cancers and other health issues. So we can drink soy milk. Wait, what's that? Soy milk has phytoestrogens that can cause other health issues?

Clean everything with antibacterial soaps, wipes, creams and cleansers, quick! We don't want to get a single germ! Wait, what's that? Our fanatic antibacterial-izing has contributed to the strength of our newest, latest, greatest mega-viruses and bacteria, not to mention made our immune systems less able to handle the bugs? People are dying from MRSA.

God forbid we even expose an inch of our skin to the sun! We should all slather ourselves in sunblock and avoid the sun like the plague. Otherwise, we'll all get skin cancer that will kill us. But then we'll have to live with the vitamin D deficiencies and rickets. Small price to pay, I guess.

If you get your kids vaccinated, you are exposing them to unnatural and toxic substances and that could cause them to develop autism, allergies or other disorders. But if you don't, they will all get chicken pox or the measles and have encephalitis, which will cause them to have other serious problems or die. Not to mention the fact that they will all grow up guilt riddled because of all the vaccinated children they infected with their germs. (Somebody please explain that one to me!)

If we don't eat a very specific and complete organic diet--some will tell us we are going to die. Have a craving for some KFC? Don't--the MSG will kill you. It's so important to eat the "right" things. It's so important to take the "right" vitamins. In another year or so, the "right" foods and vitamins will turn out to be bad for us, too.

The parabens in your hand lotion will probably kill you. Ditto on your lipstick. It might be best to just never bathe or use cosmetics at all.

Our tap water is contaminated. Buy a carbon filter. Wait, just read those can be harmful, too. Okay, so buy bottled water, but make sure the bottle is BPA free and the source is not some random municipal water supply (as is often the case with bottled water). Scratch that--just don't drink the water at all. It will kill you.

Have you spent your life ingesting and absorbing toxic chemicals and the "wrong" foods (as well as not having organic cotton sheets)? Are you sick now with cancer, autoimmune diseases or chronic allergies? Well, I hate to break it to you but you can't take any medications for it--they will kill you, too.

How are we all surviving, if this is all true? No matter what we do, it seems we are all hastening our own deaths. I, for one, am sick of all the fear surrounding just LIVING. How can we actually LIVE our lives if we are constantly fixated on all that can cause DEATH or harm us? The truth is that we will all die, no matter what we do.

Ugh, just thinking about all of this gives me a headache. I would take some Aleve, but it will probably kill me after trashing my kidneys, liver and stomach. Not to mention the fact that I can't wash it down with a full glass of water per the instructions because the water is contaminated.

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